Wybierz swój język
Konwencja o ochronie praw człowieka i godności istoty ludzkiej wobec zastosowań biologii i medycyny: Konwencja o prawach człowieka i biomedycynie (tzw. Europejska Konwencja Bioetyczna), 1996
Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention), 1996
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, on the Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings, 1998
The Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin, 2002
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Biomedical Research, 2005
Additional Protocol concerning Genetic Testing for Health Purposes, 2008
Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)6 on research on biological materials of human origin, 2016
Rec(2016)8 on the processing of personal health-related data for insurance purposes, including data resulting from genetic tests